our worship service.
Redeemer Bible Church of San Antonio is a non-denominational Christian church that meets for worship weekly. Our aim is to be an authentic community of Christians that not only worship and glorify God together on Sundays, but also grow in faith together and do life together outside of the worship service. With that goal in mind, we've structured our service so that we can worship God in a manner that allows us to deepen our biblical literacy, strengthen our theological knowledge, grow as disciples together, and build relationships with one another along the way.
Interested in attending one of our services? We'd love to have you as our guest! Feel free to email us at info@redeemerbiblesa.org and let us know you're coming. Here's what to expect:
Our service is casual, so feel free to dress comfortably. We start every service with a fellowship meal at our community tables that allows us to visit with one another and catch up. Then we focus our attention on worship. We start with a catechism teaching along with reciting the Apostle's Creed together. Next, one of the Elders will give a sermon. Once the sermon concludes, we open it up for Q&A (yes, we field questions about the sermon!). After Q&A, we observe the Lord's Supper and conclude in prayer.